Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wondrous opportunity?

Remember that fortune cookie last post? Jeff didn't get into the top three schools we wanted him to get into (Cal, UCLA or UT.) He did, however, get into Chicago.

I said I wasn't going to go with him since it's only a year long program. I also expected to be able to choose one of the other three instead, too.

...is Chicago my wondrous opportunity?

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Where I've been~

I wish I could say I've been off on amazing adventures full of stories and pictures. Alas, such was not the case, and my life continues to not be terribly interesting, or so I think. I need to be better about that.

Mostly I'm just a lazy person who is working her butt off to make ends meet while Jeff and I attempt to find some sort of more permanent employment. Dealing with unemployment issues, creative work that takes a long time for not a lot of pay, making websites, and attempting to salvage a social life is a pretty daunting task when it comes to a married pair of married procrastinators. Especially since we've been trying to catch up to Game of Thrones, both in book and television form. That series certainly takes up a lot of stupid free time!

I will try to be better and I really think posting things like this blog helps organize my life as well as my thoughts. I just need to be more organized about it.

I'm still waiting or this fortune cookie to come true. ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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