Woo, under the wire here, Steph.
Anyway, here's part of what is taking up part of my time. I'm currently dipping my fingers into a few literary pies at the moment.
Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of WWII - A bit self explanitory, but it's a history book about the Allied occupation of Japan from August 1945 to April of 1952. Currently about 20% through it. Great read for a bit of more recent modern history of Japan, though I am looking forward to finding something good about much older periods, next.
Japan at War: An Oral History - Heh, sense a theme? This one focuses more on personal oral reports of the Japanese during the war. Only thumbed through the first few pages so far, but I'm afraid if I start reading I won't put it down, and it's a fairly thick book and I have other things to do.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - The UK edition. After the 8th (7.5? 7 2.0?) movie came out, I decided I wanted to re-read my Harry Potters, but this time plow through the UK editions I got for Christmas a few years ago (yes, there is a difference!) I got up to the climax of the story then life and other books barged their way in. I'll finish it soon, though, as well as the other 5 books. The second one has always been low on the list of favorites in the series for me, anyway (6th is still the worst, bleh.)
The Hunger Games - Even though I'm loving my WWII books, sometimes you need a break from the serious. I'm looking forward to picking up my nook copies of this trilogy this week and sailing through it, especially since I liked Battle Royale so much, even with the guy's obsession with the song Born to Run.
Next on my list will probably be the Game of Thrones series. And I'm about to go to a book discussion group this Monday on The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Excellent read, I highly recommend it to anyone interested in science.
There are also always comics involved, but such is another post for another day. I'm very much looking forward to the relaunch of the Sailor Moon series (plus the never before released in the US premier of Sailor V!) More on how I wished the black kitty I had growing up would have told me I was a magical princess from the moon on Tuesday. :V
That's funny; I wanted a dog to tell me that I was a buff little baby who could dance like a man.