It's my bubs! I do look like a little bit of a crazy person, though. See, they asked for names, so I rambled off a bunch of fosters I named, figuring they wouldn't associate them all with one name, but rather just a "look at all the names people use!" Oh man, was I wrong. It looks like I own NINE dogs. oops.
Can you see them? It's the only LONG LIST, smack dab in the middle. I only own one dog, and two of those fosters I only named, and watched temporarily as a short term foster or dogsat, but wasn't actually the foster for. So now people who like Shibas in Japan thinks theres some crazy person who owns 9 Shibas in the US. Bah, oh well...
I should ask one of my friends in Japan if they can pick up a copy and mail it to me.
Oh, and speaking of Shibas and fosters, Hank (now named Mochi) is already settling into his new home with his new sister Kirra. I was so excited for him and the family we adopted him to and I wish the best of luck to that cuddly bear.
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