Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Are you color blind?

Why oh why do they keep making Princess Celestia toys pink? She is not a pink horse. And yet toys keep coming out and she's friggin puce. What is the deal, Hasbro?

In other news, I got a new webcam, which makes it evident that my apartment is a mess. In other other news, we're moving out of this messy apartment to a new one end of September. It's bigger, so hopefully it won't be such a hovel.

P.S. Happy Gotcha Day, Koji. You've ruined my life with your dust and your fur for the last two years, and I hope you'll be around to do it for many more to come.

edit: I think I need a new office chair. That or I need to not sit down for 10+ hours at a time in this one, but that seems like extra work.

edit 2: Ooooh it's about to get all kinds of unproductive up in here...

1 comment:

  1. Is the Princess Celestia situation better or worse than Toothless?


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