Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Someone is all Christmased out...

51/52 by thepaisleyfox
51/52, a photo by thepaisleyfox on Flickr.

We are still recovering from the festivities of the weekend. It was a Portal/Ponies kind of Christmas for me and I loved every moment of it. ;) Now it's time to finish off our marathon training since it's about to blindside us as the 8th quickly approaches.

So today, enjoy this piece of work...

Penny Arcade - Just Wow

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

(And congrats to Steph from Klo'ver on your recent engagement! Love both you and Jeremy!)

- thepaisleyfox

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I know next year's Christmas movie~!

Every year the family goes out to lunch then to a movie on Christmas Eve. The first trailer for The Hobbit was just released and I am thoroughly freaking out. It's always been my favorite Middle Earth novel being it's the only one I ever finished and I lived by the old cartoon movie. I got goosbumps from this trailer, y'all.

*sigh* Is it next year yet?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I've got a famous dog!

Koji was recently published in a Japanese magazine called Shiba Inu Fan! A pottery maker in Japan I'm facebook friends with (and bought Koji's snazzy lady yukata from) asked for people to send in pictures and names to this magazine, since they were running a special on what people name their Shibas outside of Japan. Look at his handsome mug in the lower left corner.

It's my bubs! I do look like a little bit of a crazy person, though. See, they asked for names, so I rambled off a bunch of fosters I named, figuring they wouldn't associate them all with one name, but rather just a "look at all the names people use!" Oh man, was I wrong. It looks like I own NINE dogs. oops.

Can you see them? It's the only LONG LIST, smack dab in the middle. I only own one dog, and two of those fosters I only named, and watched temporarily as a short term foster or dogsat, but wasn't actually the foster for. So now people who like Shibas in Japan thinks theres some crazy person who owns 9 Shibas in the US. Bah, oh well...

I should ask one of my friends in Japan if they can pick up a copy and mail it to me.

Oh, and speaking of Shibas and fosters, Hank (now named Mochi) is already settling into his new home with his new sister Kirra. I was so excited for him and the family we adopted him to and I wish the best of luck to that cuddly bear.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Farewell, Handsome Hank

Tomorrow, a wonderful family will be adopting my foster whom I've had for the past month and a half. Chunky Hanky Panky will be transported halfway down to Austin where we will hand him off with some supplies, food, adoption contract, and a surprise. I'm actually a bit excited for Hank, as I know he's going to be going to a great home, one he'll be able to gain confidence in, though I'm not going to lie I'll miss his doofy nature and I'm sure Koji will miss his wrestle buddy.

One of these days we'll get a second dog for reals. Until then, I'm good for fostering. And have first dibs on Rosie, aka "The One Who Got Away" if our president ever decides he doesn't want her anymore (which will never happen, but hey...dibs all the same.)

I've really got to finish our website redesign...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Yeah, still not fixed...

Man it's been so busy around the place, trying to catch up on work, nursing Balthazar back to health, training for our WDW marathon, getting my foster dog adopted, and trying to find a temporary full time gig to help pay bills and sock away savings until we ship off for grad school (wherever that may be) among other things that seem to be crashing down around me at the moment. So of course I go shopping for secret santa gifts for an Internet stranger's pets and pick up a new book to read.

I bought the trilogy on my nook a while back but haven't had a chance to read it, thanks to my already super long list of books to read (and several I'm still technically in the middle of.) So far, I'm really enjoying it, even if I am behind on the times since everyone and their mom seem to be talking about Ready Player One right now. But so far it hasn't disappointed in reminding me of Battle Royale, just written better. I understand we lose things culturally and in translations, but I doubt the original Japanese was written that much better, though it was an enjoyable read nonetheless. I haven't gotten very far into the first book, but I'm hoping to finish by Christmas (read: have the time to be able to finish by Christmas...) I suppose I do have until the, what, Spring to finish the first one? My friend demanded it of me while we watched the preview at the movies the other night. (by the way, Breaking Dawn was delightfully worse than we could have imagined. We knew it would be bad, I am not ashamed to admit I enjoyed reading all the books more than once and we have fun riffing in the theaters, but we rolled in the aisles for this one.)

Do the few people who browse my little corner of the interwebs have any good books they're into lately?

Sorry about the !effort posts lately, the bug my computer has is kind of a bitch to remove and I've just not had the time to deal with it with my full attention like I should. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Anti-bullying week starts 12/15

In honor of anti-bullying week, next friday (12/16) is Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars. This article from last year really explains this much better than I ever could, but the idea is to wear a Star Wars shirt (or anything else to declare your geekdom) in honor of Katie, a first grader who was bullied because she was a girl with a Star Wars water bottle the boys in her class made fun of her for. When the article hit the internet, fellow geeks, sympathetic readers and industry professionals poured out their love and support for a girl who was only trying to proudly show off who she was; a fan of Star Wars.

As one who dresses up at cons, plays lots of video games, and enjoys mountains of sci-fi, I'll at the very least participate in the Share Star Wars portion of next Friday (since I don't have any SW shirts in my wardrobe.) The idea is that you take a new, unwrapped sci-fi toy and donate it to a program that gives to needy children. I happen to have three lightsabers.

Nice, new, unopened, and waiting for a young Jedi to light them up and wave them around at their foes (even though they're Vader's, shhhh...) But wait, this is usually seen as a "boy's toy", isn't it? Same with any other sci-fi toys, girls usually get stuck with the dolls, art supplies, and dress up toys. Why can't they play with the monster trucks or Nerf guns? For that matter, why can't the boys pick out the My Little Ponies? So for at least the 16th, we need to do something about that.

There we go. Did y'all catch that? We need to put a note on the toy expressing that the toy should be available to go to anyone.

I loved swords and Matchbox and had so many Ninja Turtles as well as my fair share of Ponies and tea sets. If my nieces are anything to judge by, there are so many girls who would LOVE for a chance to be a Jedi. Even the Clone Wars series has a young female Padawan in one of the lead parts. So for Christmas, since money is a bit tight for us this year, the girls are each getting a lightsaber donated in their name in addition to a small homemade gift. I think they'll think it's pretty cool that some kid who doesn't get Christmas will now get something cool to play with because of them.

Join the event on Facebook: Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars

P.S. Computer still borked, using the work computer for this post. Hopefully I'll make it rise from the dead this weekend.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Brought to you by the word "rootkit"

Yeah, today's post will be late due to technical difficulties. :(

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sneak peek!

Working on a project for my boss... Detailed post on Wednesday. <3

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like...well, you know...

Thanksgiving is over and my friend's birthday has passed which means it's time to start decorating for Christmas!

This is the first time I've ever had a fireplace, so of course I've been over the moon with trying to decorate. If you haven't guessed, my thing for Christmas decorating is snowflakes. I just love the look of ice, lights, and the intricate designs, something that just screams winter to the Southern California girl in me that grew up with 70 degree Christmases. I think the only thing that would make our mantle complete would be a little Santa hat for Teddy over there on the left.

These are my pride and joy. Swarovski crystal snowflakes. Unfortunately, I only have 4 out of the 21, but my mom supposedly has two more hiding somewhere in her Christmas closet. They're like Pokemon, I have got to catch them all in all their sparkling glory. eBay is definitely my best friend for years past.

Foxes are also an obvious traditional yearly ornament I collect. These in particular are from the past three years, all from Anthropologie, quite possibly my favorite store of all time. It all started with the green fox painted in paisley (uh...duh?), followed by the white ceramic fox. This year their fox ornament doesn't have any sort of paisley or damask, but I'll take a felted one any day.

I've still got to set up my tree, but that is next on the agenda for this weekend.

What are y'all's festivus decorating traditions? Is there anything you collect or deck the halls with in a theme, or is it just balls to the wall holiday?

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