Saturday, December 17, 2011

I've got a famous dog!

Koji was recently published in a Japanese magazine called Shiba Inu Fan! A pottery maker in Japan I'm facebook friends with (and bought Koji's snazzy lady yukata from) asked for people to send in pictures and names to this magazine, since they were running a special on what people name their Shibas outside of Japan. Look at his handsome mug in the lower left corner.

It's my bubs! I do look like a little bit of a crazy person, though. See, they asked for names, so I rambled off a bunch of fosters I named, figuring they wouldn't associate them all with one name, but rather just a "look at all the names people use!" Oh man, was I wrong. It looks like I own NINE dogs. oops.

Can you see them? It's the only LONG LIST, smack dab in the middle. I only own one dog, and two of those fosters I only named, and watched temporarily as a short term foster or dogsat, but wasn't actually the foster for. So now people who like Shibas in Japan thinks theres some crazy person who owns 9 Shibas in the US. Bah, oh well...

I should ask one of my friends in Japan if they can pick up a copy and mail it to me.

Oh, and speaking of Shibas and fosters, Hank (now named Mochi) is already settling into his new home with his new sister Kirra. I was so excited for him and the family we adopted him to and I wish the best of luck to that cuddly bear.

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